Ray McDonald's Blog

Devotional Thoughts

Any New Insights or Strength? – Day 10 or 21 Prayer/Fast

Luke 4:1-2

1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, 2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

RamonBlogOK – I’m not trying to compare our 21 day prayer/fast with Jesus’ 40 days – but today’s devotional thought on www.youversion.com does bring it up!  You can read today’s devotional thought here today.  It is a good read – even if you have not joined us for the 21 day prayer/fast.

The devotional thought today does ask some interesting questions I thought I would share.  Here are a couple of the questions.  How is your fast strengthening you?  Do you feel like you’re floundering? These questions were asked in light of what Jesus tackled after His 40 days of prayer and fasting – with the temptations that Satan bought His way and the strength that Jesus showed.  Again – not asking us to compare what we are facing with what Jesus faced!!

bigGodSo how’s your strength?  Do you feel like you are doing well or not so well?  Have you cheated any?  If so – did you let Satan beat you up over it or did you get right back to the prayer/fast?  Where would you say you have gained new insight and strength?  Do you feel closer to Jesus as we enter day 10 of our 21 day prayer/fast?  Has God given you anything that you could share with the rest of us?  We would love to hear what God is saying to you!

I started the prayer/fast by saying I was looking for a closer walk with Jesus – a deeper touch from His Spirit – even a healing from the pain of 2012.  My family and I faced a very rough 2012 – with several things happening during the course of the year that had never happened.  As day 10 arrives I feel a deeper confidence in the Sovereignty of God as my life is laid bare before Him.  God is mightier than anything in my life.  I trust Him more today than on day one – not saying I didn’t trust Him on day one – but I do more so today!

I heard a cute saying recently that I have begun to use.  It goes like this – Don’t tell God that you have a big problem, tell your problem that you have a big God!  I have been trying to do that during the prayer/fast more.  My wife keeps reminding me during this prayer/fast – that God is in control and that we simply need to put our total trust in Him.  What is that old saying?  God isn’t through with me yet!

Just something to think about today as you go on your way.

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January 10, 2013 - Posted by | Daily Devotion, Discipleship, Encouragement, Faith Journey, Fast | , , , , ,

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